Expeditious Retreat 5e
If you cast this spell, you will move at an incredible speed on every turn until the Expeditious Retreat 5e spell ends and you take the dash action.
It does not affect your rate of movement, but only how many times you’ll move on your turn when haste is enabled. The Expeditious Retreat stack is therefore affected by haste.
Retreat 5e Expeditious
- Bonus action: 1 casting time
- Self-range
- Self-range: V S
- 10 minutes of concentration
- concentration
- Self-range
- concentration, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
I often see my DMs raising initiative when they are on the verge of an encounter with enemies, either to cause tension, or because several characters offer suggestions first (we don’t always play as players, but as characters. As we strategize, the characters sometimes offer other suggestions).
The following spells, though with some casting time, allow this same discovery. In addition, I will explain how my character would react to this discovery. It assumes that we are not yet seen by the enemy until we engage, thus Minor Illusion, Expeditious Retreat, and Thunderwave.
- To catch their attention, I will cast Minor Illusion to create a double of myself shouting banging noises. As a result, their initial movement will keep groups together until the rest of the party interacts.
- Expeditious Retreat will be my bonus action.
- I will now be able to attack on my next turn. After getting close enough to the group (and far enough from my party) I will cast Thunderwave, then under the consequences of Expeditious Retreat I will withdraw to my placement, preferably behind the heavy hitters.
You’ll still withdraw during an equivalent turn when using swift expeditious retreat at level 2, because you’ll still retreat quickly. From a distance, you can urge something closer by using your standard. Alternatively, you can cast at range and withdraw to a farther range so your enemies cannot catch up to you. Yeah, almost all swift and immediate spells in the spell compendium have some power sneak thrown in, adding an extra action where there was none before.
On gish characters, Expeditious Advance negates difficult terrain and gives a large bonus to leap checks. This is often very useful in certain combat locations until your character is able to obtain reliable flight. You will move 60′ regardless of whether you cast Expeditious Retreat or withdraw in the first round: if you cast Expeditious Retreat, you will move 60′.
Except for the first option, you are also exposed to two attacks of opportunity, one for casting the spell and one for leaving a threatened area. By taking the Run action, you may reduce it to just one attack of opportunity, and move 120′. Meanwhile, Swift Expeditious Retreat enables you to cast it as well as Withdraw or Run. It won’t boost your speed, but you’ll get enough of a start that you probably won’t need it.
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