
Management and Treatment Options for Toothache

Toothache is one of the most common dental problems in the world. There are about 700 million people who suffer from tooth pain at least once a year. When the nerve output of the tooth is affected, it can cause pain in the affected tooth. Toothache New York can cause discomfort and make eating, drinking, and talking difficult. You can suffer a toothache due to  cavities, gum disease, and tooth decay. It may also be caused by an injury to the tooth or a nerve that connects your jaw to your brain.

The main causes of toothache are discussed below:

Dental Decay: The most common cause of tooth decay is the lack of fluoride in your water supply, which leads to dental plaque build-up that can lead to cavities. Poor oral hygiene also contributes to tooth decay; if you don’t brush or floss regularly, bacteria may enter your mouth and cause an infection, leading to pain or swelling around your teeth.

Dental Decay: Decay is a gradual process that may take years. It is caused by gradually wearing away the enamel, the outermost layer of your teeth. The enamel is made up of a mineral called hydroxyapatite (HAP). This mineral begins to wear down and chip off from the root of your tooth as you age.

Gum disease: The bacteria in plaque encourage inflammation and swelling around your gums. You may have bleeding gums, a swollen jaw (gingivitis), or pain when biting down on your teeth.

Tooth Fracture: When a tooth breaks due to injury or trauma, it may cause pain and swelling in the affected area, leading to toothache.

Treatment options

Root canal therapy

Root canal therapy is a highly effective treatment for toothache that can be performed, outpatient. This procedure removes the pulp inside the tooth, and the root canal system is cleaned and disinfected. The nerves are then protected, sealed, and filled with a special material to prevent any future infection.

Tooth extraction

Tooth extraction may be necessary when there is severe damage to the tooth or if it has become infected. A dentist will make a hole in the affected tooth using dental tools and remove it completely to remove all damaged tissue and bacteria. The area around the socket where the tooth has been removed will be packed with gauze soaked in antibiotics until your teeth have healed completely.


Bacterial or viral infections can cause toothache. You will need antibiotics, anti-fungal medication, and painkillers to treat these infections. Many types of medicines can help ease the pain of a toothache.

Hydrogen peroxide rinse

Toothache is caused by infection and bleeding in the gums. For this reason, hydrogen peroxide rinses can help reduce pain and swelling by killing bacteria in your mouth. You should not use this method if you have a sensitive tooth or are taking oral antibiotics or anti-inflammatories because it can cause sensitivity to increase or become even more painful.

If a toothache is making you have a bad day, contact Compassionate Endontonists.

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