Grease 5e (5th Edition) in D&D
If a Dungeon Master allows their players to use their knowledge of real-world physics to their advantage, the Grease 5e thrives. During a grease spell, a smooth layer of grease covers a solid surface. If a Reflex save fails, all creatures in the area that was cast will fall. Each time the creature remains in the area during your turn, you must make this save.
A square of ground centered on a point within range is covered by slick grease, and for a short period, it becomes dense.
A greasy coating can also be created using the delight. This spell is always precious to objects not in use, but objects wielded or employed by creatures require a Reflex saving throw to evade it. A failed save results in the item being dropped. The creature must perform a saving throw every time he tries to pick up or use a greased item.
- Conjuration: Level 1
- Action: 1
- Source: V, S, M*
- Field of view: 60 feet
- (saving):amage(effect): Prone
- School: Conjuration
- Duration: 1 Minute
If this grease 5e appears, then each creature in that area must make a Dexterity saving throw or they will fall. A creature that enters the area and completes its turn so it means there must also succeed on a deftness saving throw or maybe fall prone.
There are a small number of DM’s who want to get rid of any spell that does anything other than deal damage. It’s not a situation I condone, and I find it less fun to play a D&D game that does not have any damaging spells. Adding a single spell to the mix seems cheap to me, especially when I like the broader options available in play.
The fighter and ranger plowed into the beast as it struggled to gain footing, tackled it like linebackers, and threw the hydra across the greased cave floor like a hockey puck. As the warriors skidded to a halt at the edge of the cliff, the mighty hydra tumbling to the ground below, roaring and snapping, careened off the cliff. The creature survived, but was unable to scale the cliff, and the party exchanged well done and carried on through the dungeon.
When used properly, grease is incredibly powerful, but it also has a few serious limitations that make it difficult to maximize its effectiveness. You should be aware of the following drawbacks when learning or preparing grease. These drawbacks are all situational, which means that you need to do some research and exploration before preparing grease on any given adventure day.
On the other hand, except on profitable ground, it may be difficult to use grease effectively, since enemy combatants may simply walk through the greased area. It is unfortunate that grease’s power does not increase as a result of casting it with a spell slot higher than the 1st level. Despite the fact that its effect is still useful, it would be nice if the area of effect of the spell were to be increased when it is cast at a higher level. In D&D there are some effects that only become active when creatures move into a space of their own volition, such as opportunity attacks. The game, however, does not distinguish between these two types of effects.
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